End-of-Life Giving: Friends making a difference in the world.

Your Social Network Friends got you covered

Join the millions of social network friends who are already voluntarily contributing crucial financial support as a thoughtful gift of assistance to friends’ Lifefriendsurance burial expense campaigns ahead of the inevitable in order to help them cover the cost of honoring their loved ones legacy.

What do you get?


We are all about simplicity

Friends Covering Friends

It is common for people to want to give money to help grieving friends with their loved ones funeral expenses.

Private Giving

Now with Lifefriendsurance, privately helping friends with final expenses has never been easier. Anybody can contribute to friend's and their loved one’s future funeral expenses by donating/gifting directly to their Life Friendsurance burial expense campaigns, long before and up to thirty days after the funerals. 



End-of-life comes when we least expect it

End-of-life is the one appointment we all have in common

End-of-life has no age limits

Unfortunately, funeral costs can be out of sight for a lot of us.

Unfortunately, many of us have no game plan.

Fortunately,  "where there is a will, there is a way" and Life Friendsurance is the way for those without traditional life burial insurance to cover their loved ones funeral expenses.


Why take action?

Worthwhile results

Being prepared

Peace of mind

Being in control

Everyone deserves a decent funeral

Life friendsurance makes it possible for anyone regardless of financial status to receive a decent burial because all lives have value. 


Everyday, thousands of families around the world, struggle with the decision of surrendering their loved ones’ remains to funeral homes to dispose of them because of high funeral costs. No friends want to hear that their friends had to resort to such a horrible decision.

There is no limit to the amount of donations or gifts any campaign may receive over the life of the campaign. However, as a way to spread some of that love back to the community, we ask that any campaign that exceeds $50,000 USD, gifts 10% of the extra amount to other friends with Life Friendsurance campaigns in order to continue the mission. 

After all, the whole idea is to help each other.

Life Friendsurance is the path to helping well deserved friends get the peace of mind they need during their difficult grieving time.​