
Picture of Adam & Ashley Day

Adam & Ashley Day

Brandon, Mississippi

👍 0% fee.

In 2019, we adopted a precious 8-year-old foster child, named James. James was born into the foster care system to a 16-year-old mother.

Since coming to live with us, we have learned that his young life was one filled with major trauma, abandonment, grief, and abuse. While in foster care, James ‘bounced around’ from home to home and instability ruled his life. He did not receive the most basic emotional support he needed or counseling to help him deal with his circumstances. Lacking emotional support and counseling, he came to us a very wounded child, ill-equipped to communicate his feelings and handle the most basic of day-to-day situations. Over the past 4 years, issues have escalated, and our home is now filled with constant outbursts and irrational emotions, leaving all of us with heartbreaking memories as a family unit.

Due to the severity of recent issues, James’s doctors and therapists have concluded it is imperative he receive long-term, specialized therapy for his complex trauma. We also know in our hearts that James needs much more than we are equipped to give him.

After much prayer, we believe divine intervention led us to discover Calo. Calo is a nationally recognized residential facility, specialized for adopted children and the developmental complex traumas they have encountered. Their goal is to become for adopted children what St. Jude’s has become for childhood cancer. Their program uses a safe, empathetic approach; including therapeutic programs such as canine therapy, clinical and occupational therapies, and evidence-based neurofeedback, coupled with intensive family therapy. James’s stay will include residential housing, schooling/education, medical care, all meals, day-to-day expenses, as well as all the above-mentioned therapies. The program is approximately $20K a month, with an estimated length of stay of 12-18 months.

We are praising God that James has been accepted to Calo; however, we must formulate a plan to meet the financial obligation prior to taking him, and this need far exceeds our capacity to provide. As we are much more comfortable being on the giving side than receiving, we humbly ask if you would consider helping James heal, by being a prayer partner or financial partner at any level.

As James’s parents, we are fully committed to his healing and firmly believe that with God all things are possible. We know complete and total healing is possible for James…mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

$139,606 of $240,000 goal
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